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【学术通知】同济大学怀明云博士:Impulsive and Strategic Abuse: An Actor-centric Model with a Self-regulation Perspective
发布日期:2019-01-08 点击数:

喻园管理论坛 2019年第2期(总第453期)

演讲主题:Impulsive and Strategic Abuse: An Actor-centric Model with a Self-regulation Perspective

主 讲 人:怀明云博士,同济大学

主 持 人:王海江副教授,工商管理系




Dr. Mingyun Huai is an assistant professor in Advanced Research Institute of Business at Tongji University. She obtained her PhD degree in management from Hong Kong University of Science & Technology in 2018 and joined Tongji University as an assistant professor after graduation. Her research interest centers on leader-member interactions, such as abusive supervision, LMX, and subordinates’ social learning from leaders’ behaviors. Her work has been published in Leadership Quarterly, Small Group Research, as well as Academy of Management Conference Proceedings.


While existing research on abusive supervision has largely theorized it as an impulsive action (i.e., impulsive abuse), we argue that abusive supervision can also be a strategic action purposefully used by leaders to achieve certain goals (i.e., strategic abuse). In developing an actor-centric model with a self-regulation perspective, we argue that impulsive abuse undermines whereas strategic abuse promotes leaders’ influence toward their subordinates. Furthermore, when leaders hold a high personal sense of power, they are likely to reduce abusive behavior and increase supportive behavior upon succeeding in influencing their subordinates. After establishing a reliable and valid scale to measure impulsive and strategic abuse in a pilot study, we found support for our theoretical model in an experience sampling study. We discussed the theoretical and practical implications of our research.
