演讲主题:Contemporary Issues of IS Research: Revisit P-value & Ethical Issues
主 讲 人:罗 欣教授,美国新墨西哥大学安德森必赢766net手机版
主 持 人:鲁耀斌教授,必赢766net手机版副院长
活动地点: 必赢766net手机版121室
Dr. Xin "Robert" Luo is an Endowed Regent's Professor and tenured Full Professor of Management Information Systems and Information Assurance in Robert O. Anderson School of Management at The University of New Mexico(UNM) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. In Anderson school, he also has served as the Associate Director at the Center for Information Assurance Research and Education which is nationally recognized for its excellence in information security/assurance teaching and research. At UNM, he has been also awarded Anderson Alumni Professorship, Daniels Fund Business Ethics Fellowship, and Anderson Foundation Fellowship before.
He is now a Co-Editor in Cheif for International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, ad-hoc Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly, Associate Editor for Decision Sciences(April 2015 - now), European Journal of Information Systems(January 2013- now), Electronic Commerce Research(August 2014 - now), Journal of Eletronic Commerce Research(August 2013 - now), and International Conference on Information Systems. He also serves on Nationa Science Foundation's (NSF)expert review panel for information security and privacy research grant proposals. His research or pedagogical grant proposals have been funded by NSF (USA) and NSF (China).