演讲主题: 检验库存动态的需求和供应链原因:来自汽车行业的证据
主 讲 人: 蒋中衍 Chung-Yean Chiang,美国南卡罗来纳大学商业与经济学院副教授
主 持 人: 徐贤浩,必赢766net手机版生产运作与物流管理系教授
活动时间: 2023年6月13日(周二) 10:00-11:30
活动地点: 管理大楼219室
蒋中衍(Chung-Yean Chiang),副教授,美国南卡罗来纳大学商业与经济学院(JCBE)物流与供应链管理专业。纽约州立大学布法罗分校运营管理博士学位和罗格斯大学的供应链管理MBA;台湾主要智库——工业技术研究所汽车研究部的助理研究员。目前在美国南卡罗来纳大学商业与经济学院教授运营管理、供应链管理和运输管理等课程。主要研究方向是供应链库存动态,用户接受度和组织间协作。研究成果主要发表在International Journal of Operations and Production Management 、International Journal of Production Economics等期刊上。
This study examines inventory dynamics on durable finished goods in an automotive supply chain with respect to manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. We apply a regression method to product-level industry data covering a period from 2010 to 2019. We test the demand-oriented and supply chain-associated influences on the development of inventory dynamics to reveal the practical implications that are important to managing a business. Our results show that essential factors that directly affect inventory dynamics include information distortion, product variety, and product attractiveness. In addition, our study also shows that the effects of product variety and product attractiveness are mediated by the demand variation to the development of inventory dynamics. Further, we demonstrate that the studied factors may influence inventory dynamics in various degrees when the test is made based on individual product type.