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【学术通知】南方科技大学讲席教授刘黎明:Cross-cluster Referrals and Opt-out Subsidies in Healthcare Systems

  • 发布日期:2024-05-22
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演讲主题: Cross-cluster Referrals and Opt-out Subsidies in Healthcare Systems

主 讲 人刘黎明,南方科技大学讲席教授

主 持 人: 徐   和,供应链管理与系统工程系教授




刘黎明教授是南方科技大学商学院的讲席教授。刘教授曾任职于香港岭南大学商学院(2011至2020年), 香港理工大学商学院(2006至2011年及2020年至2021年), 香港科技大学工业工程与物流管理系(1993至2006年)。其研究方向包括供应链管理,物流管理,随机模型,库存理论,基于运营与会计或金融交叉的研究,复杂网络和港口运作与船运。其研究发表于Queueing Systems, Management Science, Operations Research, MSOM, POMS, EJOR, TRB, TRE, IIE Transactions, JAP, and NRL等国际知名SCI期刊。


We investigate the issue of long and imbalanced patient waiting times in a public healthcare system that consists of multiple hospital clusters. Outside the public system, private hospitals provide similar services with minimum waiting times but for a significant fee. We explore two potential approaches to improving the system performance: cross-cluster referrals, which enable patients to transfer from their home cluster to other clusters for shorter waiting times, and opt-out subsidies, which involve subsidizing patients who choose to receive private services outside the public system. We construct a multi-cluster service network model to analyze the decision-making of individual patients and to determine the optimal patient-routing policy for overall system optimization. Analytical and numerical investigations are conducted to explore the effective implementation of the two approaches.


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